Meet a Member: Jennifer & Violet
Jennifer and her daughter Violet are the newest full members at Weaving Water. Welcome Jennifer and Violet!
Here is a short interview with Jennifer:
Why have you chosen co-housing?
The idea of living in a way where you choose to know and be friends with your neighbors shouldn't be so strange! I love co-housing in that people choose to live there because they do want to know their neighbors and spend time with other families in the community. I want my family to connect in a genuine way with other families, and I want the majority of our time spent with actual in-person connections (rather than virtual zoom-based or social media based connecting). The current virtual human world is a fairly distracting interface for the human brain, and I would like to have the basis for our days be real world interactions with people in our community. The virtual stuff can and will happen, but, if we live in co-housing, it won't be our lifeline.
What is Violet, your daughter, most looking forward to?
Violet is most looking forward to community and the social aspect of it. She's also very excited for babysitting younger children as she will be one of the older kids when we move in. She is also excited to be near the Eno and being able to swim, and she's interested in the community garden and opportunities to dance.
What aspect of living in community are you most looking forward to?
I am really excited about living with diverse people who will expose us to different ideas, different experiences, different food, different music, different everything! I love the idea that my mind and heart will expand with each connection we make at Weaving Water. The world is a wide and wondrous place, and without time and proximity, friendships are hard to sustain. Living in an intentional community will allow friendships to flourish when they wouldn't have otherwise. Additionally, I'm excited for my daughter to have connections with other families who live and celebrate life in ways different from us. All in all, it will be a community and a place that feels like home rather than simply a house that feels like home.