As a collaborative neighborhood, Weaving Water represents a new kind of American Dream, one that values collaboration over independence and community over isolation.
As Barbara Kingsolver says in her 2009 Duke Commencement speech, it may be time to “rethink the big, lonely house as a metaphor for success.” We can define success, instead, by the richness of our communities and the degree to which we’ve honored the earth and each other. We’re looking for other folks who believe in seeking this new kind of American Dream. People who:
Long for the rewards that come with true community. As Kingsolver said in her speech, the last 30 years in our country have brought an increase in America’s wealth, “but our self-described happiness has steadily declined. Elsewhere, the people who consider themselves very happy are not in the very poorest nations, as you might guess, nor in the very richest. The winners are Mexico, Ireland, Puerto Rico, the kinds of places we identify with extended family, noisy villages, a lot of dancing. The happiest people are the ones with the most community.”
Are interested in being part of a community that is multi-generational and that views children as an energetic and vital part of that community.
View connection with nature as a value.
Are looking to slow down - replacing electronic time with strolling through the forest, or replacing the rush to get dinner on the table after working all day with the ease of a community-made meal.
Dream of having a space for live music and community functions, and also a community with whom to celebrate holidays, such as Halloween and New Year’s.
Are interested in learning new ways to communicate. Specifically, taking on the rewarding but sometimes hard work of group decision making and conflict navigation. Research shows that the healthiest, most successful cohousing communities have invested in learning these skills through training and practice. At Weaving Water, we are looking for other folks who would value such an investment.
“In cohousing neighborhoods, we build relationships with our neighbors by working together on practical matters, whether that is a landscape workday or making dinner. As we work together, we build trust. Over time, we find our own edges softening, gaining greater empathy for each other, and this empathy accompanies us in the rest of our lives, opening our hearts to others. Living in community teaches us to listen more carefully to what others have to share. When our communities are truly successful, they give us energy and support to engage actively in the larger civil society to empathetically and respectfully address the challenges of the human condition.